Bite-size calm: unwind, relax and recharge in 5-10 minutes, wherever you are
Designed for NHS and other frontline workers taking a break or after a busy shift. These are very short (5-10 minutes) and effective "sound baths" for immediate stress-relief, calming and re-energising. Simply find some decent headphones, close your eyes, and listen wherever you are… then get on with your day. Enjoy! And please spread the word!
- with love and gratitude for your work, from Cathy at Sarasa Sound xxx
From Timothy, NHS Mental Health Nurse:
“Today at work was, as it is so often, hectic, pressurised and at times felt chaotic and surreal. I listened to the Bite-Size Calm recording still feeling the impact of some of the complex and emotional stories I’ve heard today, feeling a headache and acutely aware of how much I have to do in writing up notes and assessments from today. During and after the session, I felt myself drop into a real sense of peace, calm and relaxation. The headache has lessened. The words and images that lingered melted away and the sense of stress has definitely eased-I feel more resourced and able to face outstanding tasks.”
Bite-Size Calm is freely available, any time, for any NHS or frontline key worker (contributions are very welcome but not expected). Non-NHS/frontline workers: you are very welcome to listen to these too, of course! Though if you do, and if you find them helpful, please make a contribution HERE to enable me to carry on offering these gong baths free for key workers. Thank you!
Unwind in 5 minutes
Gongs, quartz crystal singing bowls, rattles
Unwind in 10 minutes
Gongs, quartz crystal singing bowls, rattles
Re-energise in 5 minutes
Gongs, wind chimes… and birdsong
Re-energise in 10 minutes
Gongs, wind chimes… and birdsong
The Earth Gong, 10 minutes
The powerful Earth Gong… and birdsong
De-stress in 5 minutes
Beautiful, entrancing quartz crystal singing bowls