20 March 2020: responsible gong baths in a time of Coronavirus: 

On Saturday I took the sad but responsible decision to cancel all my group gong baths for the foreseeable future. I’ve set up a home recording studio so I can now offer weekly gong baths online.   I recorded the first one on Monday and it’s on Soundcloud and Youtube for anyone to access for free:

On Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-623362574/sarasa-sound-gong-bath-16-march-2020

On Youtube:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4RUK3x8t4I

From now on I will record and upload every Sunday so you can still enjoy a relaxing and restorative start to your week - or at any other time! 

Although obviously it’s not the same as being physically present with the gongs and singing bowls, there has been some research carried out by the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) which showed that people listening to recorded gong baths did experience significant therapeutic benefit.

So please have a listen,  with good headphones, and please let me know what you think!  I’m very interested to hear how you find the online experience compared with “the real thing”. 

And if you do enjoy it, please spread the word.  At this time of high levels of stress and anxiety, and people experiencing being isolated and/or being cooped up on top of each other, gong baths can be a real help. One advantage of going online is there is no shortage of spaces at my sessions!

Please keep an eye on here (or Sarasa Sound Facebook page and group) for updates.

Finally please take care of yourself, and also please look out for vulnerable or elderly friends and neighbours. This is a very good opportunity to practice kindness and compassion, towards ourselves and others. We are all in this together. 

Cathy x