Like every year, Sarasa Sound will be taking a break over the summer, for a bit of rest, restoration and regeneration.
It’s been a wonderful year for Sarasa Sound, with so many lovely gong bath and sound bath sessions happening, carrying on with my regular sessions and also going into new locations and spaces. And in the process meeting and getting to know so many wonderful people.
I’ll be mostly here in London, spending my time making music with friends as part of an Indonesian “keroncong” music project, so bringing the spirit, sounds and culture of Indonesia to us here in the UK.
But first I have to get through this coming week, which is my first court trial for my actions with Extinction Rebellion (my second, much bigger, trial, for my DLR action, will be in the Crown Court in December - more on that on the crowd justice website. I will be in Hendon Magistrates Court on Wednesday and Thursday, defending my actions super-gluing myself to the International Petroleum Week conference in London in February, along with 8 other people. We believe what we did was lawful, proportionate and in fact necessary, as oil companies are among the biggest carbon emitters globally, and the conference agenda was about exploring and extracting even more fossil fuels in the future, when these companies have already, shockingly, got enough planned to burn up the planet and destroy our children’s lives and future generations several times over. Please keep me & my co-defendents in your thoughts and prayers for this coming Wednesday and Thursday.
Thank you to everyone who’s attended my sessions, have a great rest of the summer, and look forward to seeing you in the Autumn! Much love, Cathy