Happy New Year, and all the best for 2021, whatever it brings!
Following a really lovely and well-received New Years Eve gong bath on Zoom, I’m now going to be offering regular Live Online gong baths over the coming weeks. Please join me for these restorative and uplifting sessions!
For now they are:
- every Sunday 8pm - 9pm GMT
- every Friday 4.30pm - 5.15pm GMT
Booking is on Eventbrite. Click here to go to the Sarasa Sound Eventbrite page, where all my gong baths are listed.
The sessions are on Zoom. The Zoom link is on the Eventbrite Online Event Page for each session. You will be sent the link to that page when you book. The Zoom link itself goes live 5 minutes before the session starts.
Of course the online gong bath experience is not the same as “in real life”. Nevertheless attendees report powerful, transformative experiences from the sounds, both physical and mental. And there is evidence that people listening to gong baths at home report greater levels of relaxation - possibly owing to being in their own spaces.
As with my In Real Life gong baths, the maximum number of attendees at these sessions is 30 - for me this is very important, to keep the intimate feeling of a shared group experience. As of course this is not really about me playing gongs and singing bowls “to” you, we are together creating a space with its own unique, powerful energy and magic.
Everyone who books a session receives a link to a high-quality recording of it, available to listen to at any time and as often as you want.
Here’s the Eventbrite booking link again::
Hopefully see you at one of these sessions soon!
Love Cathy x