Hello, and Happy Winter Solstice!
I hope you are keeping warm, safe and cozy, wherever you are, and that you are looking forward to some kind of rest and restoration time.
I’m still in recovery from my hand operation, which has turned into a much bigger saga than I was expecting. V…e...r...y s…l…o…w…l…y , I am regaining my strength, grip and control in my right hand and arm. This means that with great sadness I am not able to offer a New Year’s Eve gong bath, such as I have for the last 5 years. However, here is the link to a Winter Solstice gong bath I recorded last year, please feel free to lie down somewhere comfortable and warm, and where you won’t be disturbed, and have a listen (ideally through headphones).:
And here’s the link to a New Year’s Day gong bath I recorded on 1st January this year:
There are many other carefully-recorded gong baths on the Sarasa Sound Youtube channel, and on Sarasa Sound Soundcloud as well.
In January I will be doing a few sessions, but to start with 1-2-1 and private small group gong baths only. I’ll hopefully be re-starting my regular group sessions a few weeks later.
Much love and have a restful festive break!
Cathy x